does anybody like jazz music
Let’s be honest with ourselves. It just sounds like random noise half the time. It kind of hurts your ears. The musicians sound like they’re just making shit up on the spot. Wait… that’s the whole point? As the nice family sitting next to me observed at the end of a Cyrus Chestnut set, “how do they know when to start and stop playing?”.

What kind of monster would say they like jazz music, let alone put on an entire show?
the k-means recital (this Friday!!)
That monster is me. Come sit politely and be confused about when to clap at the k-means recital this Friday, 10pm at Rockwood Music Hall Stage 3. Featuring David Ecker and Chris McCarthy.
Buy your tickets here!
the k-means podcast ii
the k-means podcast is doing its second episode at Caveat on Aug. 26th!
What is the k-means podcast, you ask? In a sentence, it’s a kind of variety show featuring spoken word, comedy, and music, not unlike a podcast. Caveat hosts more theater-driven shows that I think will lend itself well to our more experimental format, so needless to say I’m excited.
final word
Speaking of podcasts, check out The Rewatchables. They do fun recaps and discussions of classic, “rewatchable” movies like When Harry Met Sally or Mean Girls.
Been on a movie kick recently on stuff I feel guilty I haven’t seen. Just watched this movie called Casablanca this weekend, have you heard of it? Pretty good, imo.